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World Antiques Weekly
Preiss was one of the greatest sculptors of
period Art Deco bronze and ivory works, and
a complete biography and amazing color photographs
make this new book Ferdinand Preiss: Art
Deco Sculptor - The Fire And The Flame a
must have for Art Deco lovers. His work sells
for huge sums but despite this nobody has attempted
to publish a book about him.....until now, and
author Alberto Shayo has done a fine job. Ferdinand
Preiss was born on February 13, 1882 in Erbach,
in the Odenwald part of Germany. When he was
15 years old his parents died, one shortly after
the other, and the 6 children were looked after
by friends and relatives. Preiss lived with
the family of the then famous ivory carver Philipp
Willmann, where he was trained to be an ivory
carver. In 1901 he left Willmann’s workshop
and travelled to Mailand, Rome, and Paris to
pursue his craft, earning his living as a modeller.
In Baden-Baden he got to know Arthur Kassler
who became his companion. With him he founded
the company Preiss & Kassler, an ivory-carving
business with a workshop in Berlin. In 1907,
he married Berliner Margarethe Hilme, and soon
afterward his son Harry and his daughter Lucie
were born. At first, the model collection of
the new company consisted of small ivory carvings,
including statuettes of children and carvings
whose motifs were mostly oriented towards classical
ideals. From 1910 onward, the first carvings
which combined bronze with ivory were produced.
The casting was done by the company Gladenbeck
in Berlin, and by the time the World War I broke
out in 1914 the company had 6 employees, all
outstanding ivory carvers from Erbach. Immediately
after the end of the war, Preiss and Kassler
built up the business again which would reach
its pinnacle during the 1920s. Preiss was the
artistic director whereas Kassler devoted himself
to the commercial side of the business. They
specialized in Art Deco style cabinet sculptures
which combined ivory with painted bronze and
which were mounted on plinths made of onyx,
marble, and sometimes also on mantelpiece clocks
or lampstands. The models, which were almost
all designed by Ferdinand Preiss, were produced
in limited editions. A large proportion of the
production was exported to England and the USA.
The company Preiss & Kassler existed until 1943
when Ferdinand Preiss died that year at the
age of 61 from a brain tumor. The workshop with
the stock of samples in Ritterstraße in Berlin
completely burned down in 1945, just before
the end of the war during a bomb attack. Ferdinand
Preiss is regarded as one of the leading ivory
carvers of the Art Deco scene of the 1920s and
1930s, and his bronze and ivory carvings are
among the most costly in the world. This book
captures the story of this fascinating Art Deco
artist and vividly photographs his work that
so reflects the fun loving spirit of the 1920s
and 1930s.
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Preiss: Art Deco Sculptor - The Fire And The
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